
Carlos Cordero took part in the second annual UN Forum on business and human rights

Between the days 2 and 4 December 2013 was held in Geneva (Switzerland) the second Forum Annual UN in companies and rights human. In April of 2014, the Office of the High Commissioner of rights human of Nations United made public a progress of summary Executive about them speeches and of the discussions that is kept beyond. Can see it here.

Social innovation Sustentia took part in the event, to do in the first Forum annual, held at the end of 2012. On this occasion, Carlos Cordero (Co-Director of Sustentia), He was invited to take part in the panel dedicated to the presentation of the project especially National Action Plans: State Strategies for the Implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("Plans of action national": State strategies for the implementation of the UN guiding principles on business and human rights").

In August of 2013, ICAR (International corporate responsibility Roundtable) and DIHR (Danish Institute for human rights) launched this project set, whose goal was to produce a solid tool kit to promote the development and evaluation of national action plans and other measures of State level for the implementation of the frameworks of international and regional human RIGHTS and company, including the UN guiding principles on business and human rights of 2011 (PR). The report end was presented in June of 2014, and constitute a relevant contribution to the analysis of the duties of the State under pillar I (Protect) and III (Remedy) the PR, as well as the consequences arising for States of the pillar II (Respect). This project has contributed to the development of principles and methodologies for the elaboration and implementation of national plans of action of business and human rights, and also the deepening of discussions at the international level, regional and national, both in the current agenda forward.