Sustentia Social innovation collaborates with Governments and multilateral institutions, funding agencies and NGOs (North and South), in the strategy definition, management support and development cooperation projects.
We understand that the development work both at micro and macro levels. From a micro approach, with the aim of increasing the exercise of rights and quality of life of people. From a macro perspective, by means of strategies and actions that contribute to overall development goals and promoting permanent changes.
To that end, we emphasize the importance of the efficiency and transparency. In all cases, the definition of a relevant strategy and how this is put into practice it is essential when building an effective cooperation, both when working from the public, from the private, as well as public-private partnerships (APPD).
Sustentia Social innovation works in the field of development cooperation,in line with the principles contained in the Paris Declaration, Accra, Istanbul and Busan.
For the progress of developing countries and their societies not enough resources and traditional instruments of Official Development Assistance (ODA) heretofore employed. This development will be mainly due to the adequacy and effectiveness of public policies and the performance of social and economic factors that make these companies.
Social Innovation Sustentia performs advisory work in the development of public-private partnerships (APPD) effective and facilitation in areas multistakeholder.
From our consultant understand key interventions in the field of Development incorporate transparency as a management approach for effective project.
As a result of our work and research in this area, we have developed an evaluation methodology aligned with the Paris Declaration, Accra, Istanbul and Busan, and is based on input from more than 120 people and 40 sector organizations, subsequently validated in two pilot projects in Peru.
We consider it essential to establish mechanisms for evaluating the effectiveness as a key variable for organizations planning and building trust in the actors of development cooperation.
For this reason Social Innovation Sustentia have developed a methodology for evaluating the management effectiveness of development aid interventions in line with the Paris Declaration, Accra and Busan which was validated in two projects in Colombia.
Advise donors to know whether strategies, lines of action and instruments that are taking place are best suited to meet their objectives.
To this end we make diagnostic studies collecting lessons learned and proposals for action, that crystallize conclusions and recommendations proposed, towards the development of an action plan in the field of study to implement.
Companies are taking an increasing role in developing countries and also as actors Aid. It is important to save certain technical and cultural obstacles on both sides (business and development sector), from mutual understanding and finding common goals consistent with the development.
From Social Innovation Sustentia advise companies and funders on how to incorporate the company as development actor. We provide ideas and develop strategies for participation in development initiatives for companies and design strategies for collaboration with companies (as development actors) Donor.
In accordance with the principles contained in the Paris Declaration, Accra and Busan, required of the donor and recipient countries cuentasy mutual accountability towards the beneficiaries of cooperation aimed, and citizens, organizations, constituencies and shareholders. Transparent practices form the basis for this accounting properly, reliable and efficient.
Sustentia works to improve the transparency and accountability of donors and recipients of Aid, through the development of principles and indicators and setting standards of transparency for donor and recipient countries.
We offer knowledge on technologies applicable to solving development needs, for which we have a network of technical partners specialists knowledgeable about technologies applicable to the solution of these needs.
The aim is to increase the social impact and outcome of projects by applying the same technical solutions appropriate and effective low-cost.
- Final evaluation of the “Framework of Association country Ecuador – Spain 2011 – 2013”, for the General Secretariat of international cooperation for development – SGCID, (Ecuador and Spain, 2014).
- Technical assistance for the initial strategic definition of knowledge transfer (demand-supply ) program “Development with regional identity between Spain and Nariño – DIRENA”, for the Agency of Local development of Nariño (ADEL) and the Spanish Agency of international cooperation for development (AECID) in Colombia, (Spain and Nariño, 2014).
- Final evaluation of the project “Design of a model of capacity-building in planning based on MfDR of public institutions that AECID works to improve the effectiveness of aid”, for the Polytechnic University of Madrid, financed by the AECID (Madrid, 2013).
- Final evaluation of the Convention “Improve basic habitability and human development of the population affected by the earthquake of August of the 2007 (Province of Chincha)”, CESAL NGOs with funding from AECI, (Chincha and Madrid, 2011).
- Research on “Effectiveness of spending and aid to development cooperation projects”, for the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos – URJC, (Madrid, Bogota and Lima, 2011).
- Development of “Methodology of evaluation of the effectiveness of development interventions”, for the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos – URJC, (Madrid and Bogotá, 2011).
- Pilot evaluation of effectiveness of the project “Promotion of participatory democracy", NGO support, Exchange and development (AIDA) funded by the autonomous community of Madrid, (Madrid and Colombia, 2011).
- Pilot evaluation of effectiveness of the project “Cultivating a healthy and responsible sexuality-experience in Montes de Maria", the Mary Foundation and the Presidential Agency for Social action funded by the European Union, (Madrid and Colombia, 2011).
- Development of “Methodology of assessment of the transparency of development interventions”, for the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos – URJC, (Madrid and Lima, 2011).
- Pilot evaluation of transparency on project “"Social mobilization in favour of the exercise of the rights of the child with any disability - headquarters Carabayllo" (North Lima)”, Save the Children Peru and GID funded by the Generalitat Valenciana, (Madrid and Colombia, 2011).
- Pilot evaluation of transparency on project “Strengthening of the Regional system of protection to children, Children and adolescent victims of violence", Save the Children Peru and Codehica funded by the Castilian Manchega Foundation for cooperation, (Madrid and Colombia, 2011).
- Differential above the "Performance of the Spanish cooperation in the Sector of economic growth in developing countries”, in collaboration with the Complutense Institute of studies international-ICEI, for the direction of sectoral and Multilateral cooperation of AECI, (Madrid, 2009).
- Baseline Diagnostics for the “Advocacy strategy on impacts of Spanish companies in developing countries and excluded populations”, for Engineers Without Borders – IsF, (Madrid, 2010).
- Transparency in the development cooperation,“Design principles and the standard Publish What You Fund”, in collaboration with Access-Info Europe and TIRI, (Madrid, 2008)
- Consulting technical envelope the “Public-private partnerships for development partnerships (APPD). Considerations for the Spanish cooperation system”, Carolina Foundation, (Madrid, 2007-2008).
- Collaboration in the report “The reality of aid 2011. An independent evaluation of aid and the development policies in times of crisis”, Chapter 5: The aid transparency, SEVERAL AUTHORS, Intermón Oxfam , (2012).
- “Create productive in developing countries: a task for the Spanish cooperation”, Alonso, Joseph A., Lamb, C., Complutense Institute of international studies – ICEI, (Madrid, 2010).
- “Transparency and development”. Editorial of the fifth edition of the report "Corporate Social responsibility in annual reports of the companies of the IBEX 35", Sustentia Social innovation and OBRSC, (2008).