Business and Human Rights


In the last decade have been significant changes in the scope of the relationship between the company and human rights.

Culminating the work done up to 2008 with the introduction of its framework, in June of 2011 the United Nations Human Rights Council adopted the report Guiding principles on business and human rights, document that operationalizes the The United Nations framework to "protect, Respect and Remedy ", written and presented in 2008 by John Ruggie, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Business and Human Rights. By the characteristics of the process in which they were developed, and for the total support received by countries and groups of interest, both documents has become a clear reference of operational work to respond to the “hollow run” identifidados.

Shortly after, October, European Union published its Corporate Social Responsibility policy (RSC), in line with UN, to be implemented by the Directorate General Enterprise and Industry. For his part, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), published in 2011 updating of its Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, recommendations addressed by 30 OECD governments (and other 8 from non-members) multinational companies.

Documentary "The blind spot", UNED in the 2 TVE, 2014.
'Business and human rights' report, UNED – TVE 2, 2007.

Sustentia Social Innovation remains committed to raise awareness, study and analyze these initiatives in order to assist their integration at the national level from both the private sector and the public. It has training programs for various types of social actors, with an emphasis on corporate training on the process of due diligence in human rights, by this understanding that ongoing management process, that a reasonable and prudent company needs to carry out, to meet its responsibility to respect human rights.

Similarly supports other legislation, regulations and national and international standards relating to the Business and Human Rights. Especially highlights the work done by Sustentia both in Colombia as in Chile in the construction of public policy in the field of business and human rights.

Download Here the Charter of services of Sustentia in business and human rights.

+Strategy for Business on Human Rights

Sustentia been working on Human Rights and company since its founding, both in the field of training, and consulting companies.
Inter alia, An example of this was the advice made in 2006 Ferrovial Group, in relation to its strategic plan for the management and promotion of Human Rights.

+Impact assessment / risk on Business and Human Rights

In his collaborations with other organizations, Sustentia Analysis methodology developed RET-Risk Analysis-Third Party Ethics, It allows to have information for objective criteria to assess the risk of coherence with the ethical commitments and DH for which the company is responsible.

Late 2011, above 70 companies or business groups were analyzed.

+Counseling due diligence (Management Systems)

Sustentia essential understands the process of due diligence of companies. Thus provides assistance and support in all phases:

  • Diagnosis.
  • Transposition management system diagnostic conclusions.
  • Measuring and monitoring.
  • Communication.
  • Implementation of mechanisms for prevention and repair any damage caused.
+Accountability in Business and Human Rights

A methodology has been developed exclusively for business analyzing transparency.
Through counseling, You can help to build effective mechanisms reporting and accountability according to the UN Ruggie Framework.

+Assistance remedial mechanisms

Through a multidisciplinary business experience, legal and humanitarian, Sustentia provides an adequate remedy holistic and existing complaints mechanisms in cases of human rights violations by business.

+UN Assistance Public Policy Framework

The Sustentia team has experience working with international legal instruments for the protection of DH and DH rape victims repair mechanisms.

On the other hand, It has carried out analysis of the incorporation into public policies of the DH criteria according to the United Nations framework.

+UN Framework intersectoral Training

The experience gained in the public, private and social, Sustentia guarantee comprehensive knowledge and tools necessary to build bridges between them.

In 2012 Colombia has launched an innovative training and multistakeholder dialogue on Business and Human Rights Framework UN.

+Early Childhood and Company: implantation

Sustentia works to make known and integrate the report “Child Rights and Business Principles”, published by Global Compact, UNICEF y Save the Children en marzo de 2012.

It is a request to the business world to increase their efforts in the respect and support of the rights of children in the workplace, markets and community.

Company and Human Rights


  • Design, co-organized and participation in the Latin American consultation project “NAPS – National action plans: State strategies for the implementation of the UN guiding principles on business and human rights”, Presidential Programme of human rights and international humanitarian law in Colombia, AECID, International Corporate Accountability Roundtable-ICAR and Danish Institute for Human Rights-DIHR, (Bogota, 2014).
  • Technical assistance for the socialization of the draft of the “Chapter of public policy on the issue of business and human rights” (subsequently 'Guidelines for human rights and business public policy'), for the Presidential Agency for cooperation of Colombia (APC), Presidential Programme of human rights and international humanitarian law in Colombia, AECID, (Botota, Cartagena and Cali, 2013).
  • "Training and dialogue on the UN framework business and human rights in Colombia”, with funding from the Spanish Agency for international cooperation (AECID), in collaboration with the Fundación DIS (Colombia, 2012-2013).
  • Research and development of a “Diagnosis of initiatives of CSR and public strategy on human rights in Spain on the rights of the child and early business", for the incidence of UNICEF strategy, (Madrid, 2012).
  • Design of the “Methodology of analysis of ethical risks and human rights” and application more than above 70 companies, Sustentia Social Innovation (The global environment, 2008-2013).
  • Investments in international events, among them:
    • Seminar Business & Human Rights: Principles to Practice, European Coalition for Corporate Justice (ECCJ) and Amnesty International (Copenhagen, 2012).
    • Seminario multistakeholderBusiness & Human Rights: Principles to Practice. Danish Presidency of the EU Council.(Copenhagen, 2012).
    • Workshop on Business and Human Rights and Decent Work, EU (Bangladesh, 2011).
    • Talleres multi take hold para un definir European Transparency Framework on environmental impacts, social and governance. DG Enterprise and Industry, European Commission (Brussels, 2009-2010).
  • Creation of a “Methodology of analysis and identification of risks of impact on rights of 96 economic subsectors and sectors”, Oxfam InterMon. The global environment. (2011).
  • Analysis of international human rights standards CSR Handbook for Iberdrola (Madrid, 2010).
  • Research and development of the “Principles of investment and socially responsible performance of Spanish firms in developing countries”, for the Carolina Foundation (Madrid, 2008-2009).
  • Strategic Plan DH for Grupo Ferrovial: Training for Managers, definition of internal policies, Supply Chain, follow-up evaluation and management indicators (Madrid, 2006).
  • Advice to Working Group Human Rights and Business Oxfam InterMon (Madrid, 2000-2006).


  • Technical assistance to the “Ciro Angarita Baron Chair for the training of public officials”, face-to-face and Online, delivery of content and moderation of discussion sessions, Ombudsman of Colombia, AECID and UNDP Colombia, (Bogota, Cali and Medellin, 2014).
  • Technical assistance of “Training to Colombian Government officials on business and human rights”, face-to-face and Online, Presidential Programme of human rights and international humanitarian law and AECID, (Bogota, Cali and Medellin, 2013).
  • “Training on business and human rights”, School of Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, (Madrid, 2011).
