NGO Strategy and Management
The increased profile of the cooperation and its volume of activity has led to organizations that are dedicated to this need solve dilemmas about aspects of Government, management and operations, in order to be managed consistent with the perception and expectations to stakeholders (rights holders, employees and volunteers,donors and funders, companies, etc.) they have on them.
Result of its commitment to human rights, humanitarian aid and social assistance, Sustentia Social Innovation It works closely with NGOs in order to support and facilitate the performance of its activities, and therefore the achievement of its mission and objectives.
To provide and strengthen these organisations with information and tools for its proper management and compliance internal and external commitments, Social innovation Sustentia works with them in different services:
- Efficient management values
- Continuous Improvement
- Consistency with the Mission and Values
- Open and transparent Organizations
The civil society organizations therefore need to tackle a task in a comprehensive, from the development of internal strategies to management of its relationship with suppliers which comply with the principles, criteria and objectives that led to its creation.
Download Here the Charter of services of Sustentia for NGO-CSO.
Strategic Planning is a basic tool for defining and achieving the objectives and compliance with organizational mission, reason for existence of NGOs. The legitimacy and the trust placed in different NGO actors require management them with the right tools preserve and increase.
Sustentia Social Innovation provides organizations a guiding tool for the achievement of its mission, through an own methodology in a participatory and comprehensive, incorporating compliance dimensions mission, consistent with the values, operational efficiency, management quality, social responsibility, financial sustainability, relationship with stakeholders, etc..
Manage the quality makes it possible for NGOs to show why they deserve to capture and preserve the trust of its stakeholders.
Sustentia has a very special connection with the NGO Quality Standard, has participated in the modification of their latest releases and has been supporting the ICONG throughout its accreditation process. He has also worked closely with the Platform for Social Action NGOs both in the development of quality guidelines, as consulting NGO.
Understand and meet the needs and expectations of stakeholders according to the commitments and values of the organization is critical to the design of the management system of NGOs.
Sustentia brings its own methodology to establish a relationship with stakeholders, reference to the AA1000 standard, adapting to the context and specificities of each NGO and affecting your cycle management and continuous improvement.

Social responsibility is applicable to any type of organization. Also NGOs. Aware of their reality, is necessary that each organization defines its liability profile, according to their obligations and commitments to its stakeholders, and determine how you will manage them in their daily.
Sustentia Social Innovation has experience in training and content development on the aspects that make up the Social Responsibility of NGOs, helping to reduce the risks and negative impacts and extend the positive, generating value for the organization and differentiation.
NGOs should have sufficient information to make decisions about the relationship with third parties and prevent risks and negative impacts.
Sustentia Social Innovation Analysis Methodology developed RET, which allows evaluating, objective criteria, the risk of social commitments consistent with an entity or company, analyzing country risk, sector, property, and behavior management system. Late 2011 has been applied over 70 companies or business groups.
The activities of NGOs and business intersect with increasing frequency, and aspire to cross increasingly. Therefore it is necessary to build and proper management of a relationship with the companies that is effective, productive and consistent, through strategies and concrete tools.
Sustentia brings expertise to NGOs to define strategies of relationship with the private sector, given his experience working in both sectors and its vision of being a reference and meeting point combining business insight with social, through generation partnerships.
Both transparency and accountability are key elements to build trust and strengthen legitimacy.
Social Innovation Sustentia includes transparent approach across the board in their services to NGOs (strategic planning, diagnoses, assessments, audits, training, etc.) seeing it as an essential and constitutes one of its areas of expertise. He has advised NGOs on the implementation of the indicators of transparency and good governance.
- Design of the “Methodology of analysis of ethical risks and human rights” in the NGO relations with companies, and application more than above 70 companies, Sustentia Social Innovation (The global environment, 2008-2013).
- Final evaluation of the Convention “Improve basic habitability and human development of the population affected by the earthquake of August of the 2007 (Province of Chincha)”, CESAL NGO with funding from AECI, (Chincha and Madrid, 2011).
- Creation of a “Methodology of analysis and identification of risks of impact on rights of 96 economic subsectors and sectors”, Oxfam InterMon. The global environment. (2011).
- Consulting and technical assistance in Strategic planning and quality for various NGOs and associations:
- Consulting for the “Design of the system of management of the quality of the Organization”, for the NGO Intered, (Madrid 2010-2012).
- Consulting for the definition of the “The Organization's Social responsibility strategy (RSO)”, for Oxfam InterMon (Madrid, 2008-2009).
- Consulting for the “Design of the Strategic Plan of the Organization, 2007-2011”, for the Spanish Federation of lesbians, Gay, Transsexual and bisexual – FELGT-B, (Madrid, 2007).
- Consulting for the “Design of the Strategic Plan of the Organization, 2007-2011”, for Architects Without Borders, (Madrid, 2007).
- Consulting for the definition of the “Internal and external communication of the Organization strategy”, for the Federation of Progressive Women, (Madrid, 2007).
- Technical consulting for the “Implementation of a certification authority, accredited by ENAC”, Institute for the quality of the non-governmental organizations – ICONG, (Madrid, 2006-2014).
- Review of the “NGO Quality Standard”, for the Institute for Quality in NGOs ICONG, (Madrid, 2014).
- Development of the “NGO Quality Standard”, for the Institute for Quality in NGOs ICONG, (Madrid, 2008-2012).
- Advice on the “Compliance of the Transparency and good governance indicators the Coordinator of ONGD – CONDGE”, for the CONGDE, (Madrid, 2009).
- Consulting and training projects, “Diagnosis, Plan Quality and analysis of stakeholders”, for the for the NGO Platform of Social Action, (Madrid, 2008-2012):
- Madrid Federation of Associations for the assistance to drug addicts and Family (FERMAD).
- Federation of Rural Women (FEMUR).
- Association for the Study and Promotion of Social welfare (Probens).
- Spain Volunteer Platform.
- Salesian Organizations Coordinator.
- Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid (CEAR).
- Heart of Jesus Apostolic Social Work (Casanova Light Foundation) .
- European Network for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion (European Anti Poverty Network, EAPN).
- Social Integration Association Realities.
- On-line course on "Transparency and right of access to information for NGOs", given to the members of the Spanish Confederation of persons with physical disability and organic (COCEMFE), 2014.
- Training in the “The humanitarian organizations ethics management module”, Master Erasmus Mundus Action International Humanitarian Noha, University of Deusto (Bilbao) , 2013).
- Training for non-governmental organizations:
- Training for NGOs in Spain (2008- 2013).
- Training in “RSC: Civil Society, Business and Development”, Spanish Agency of international cooperation for the development – AECID, Carolina Foundation and Observatorio RSC, (Colombia, 2011).
- Training in “RSC: Civil Society, Business and Development”, Spanish Agency of international cooperation for the development – AECID, Carolina Foundation and Observatorio RSC, (Peru, 2009).
- Training in “Mechanisms of transparency and business certification in the field of CSR”, Red Puentes CSR and Observatorio RSC, (Buenos Aires, 2007).
- “V Version of the NGO standard with quality”, for the Institute for quality in NGOs – ICONG, (2014).
- “Application of Principles in management systems based NGO Quality Standard”, for the Institute for quality in NGOs – ICONG, (2014).
- “Social responsibility in the organizations of the Third Sector: Guidelines for application”, (Español and Basque), for the EDE Foundation and the Observatory of the third sector of Biscay, (2012).
- Collaboration in the report “The reality of aid 2011. An independent evaluation of aid and the development policies in times of crisis”, Chapter 5: The aid transparency, SEVERAL AUTHORS, Intermón Oxfam , 2012).
- “Guide for preparation of Plan Quality”, including Guide and Case study, for the NGO Platform of Social Action – POAS, (2010).
- “Manual – Basic course in management of quality for NGOs”, for the NGO Platform of Social Action – POAS, (2008).