areas of expertise
Transparency and Access to Information
The management transparency builds trust organizations, improves efficiency and enhances the legitimacy with stakeholders.
Access to public information is a fundamental right that serves as an instrument to exercise other basic rights. States must provide themselves with the rules and resources needed to manage transparently their obligations to society.
Social Innovation Sustentia both funders working in the strategic definition and management of aid as with NGOs (North and South) in development cooperation projects.
Development understand both Micro and Macro. From a Micro Focus, with the aim of increasing the exercise of rights and quality of life of people, respectfully. From a macro perspective, to contribute to the overall development objectives and promote permanent changes.
Strategy and Management of NGOs
Increased cooperation sector profile and volume of activity has caused organizations themselves need to resolve dilemmas about governance issues, management and operations to be managed in a manner consistent with the perception and / or expectations they have about them the different stakeholders.
In order to provide these organizations with tools and information to their proper management and compliance with internal and external commitments, Sustentia Social Innovation provides various service lines.